Weather testing the house.

Floating jetty.

Today we walk up the ramp to stand on our floating jetty.  The neighbours’ fixed jetty (far right) is submerged.

We only just got to the barbecue as it was rolling towards the edge of the open deck, propelled by wind.  The kayaks were about to set sail, unmanned, as the storm surge lapped over the edges of the canal walls.  The pool is being filled, a kind of icky green colour.  The hail has just stopped.  Banging doors kept us awake half the night, but there are no puddles on our floors, nor water stains on our ceilings so I’m pronouncing the weather testing a success.  We are fast approaching the end of our 6 month maintenance period and need to finalise our list of items to be fixed by our builders, Webb and Brown-Neaves, so the timing of the lousy weather is rather good.

Flooded garden

Wading through the bottom level of our canal-side yard. Current landscaping project.

Plus, nothing beats a good storm for providing a legitimate excuse for a day off shovelling, or whatever other landscaping task I should be doing.  Time, instead, to blog.

What’s new?  Shutters!  Actually they’ve been in a few weeks now and I’ve been waiting in the vain hope that one of the Three Little Pigs might have a bedroom tidy enough for a blogworthy photograph.  The bedrooms and library all have shutters and are all rooms that are low priority works-in-progress.  So I’m going with a couple of “keeping it real” photos for you.

Bedroom shutters.

New shutters in sty number 2, on a good day.

Library shutters.

Library shutters. (Disclaimer: the pigs are not usually this perfect.)

The shutters look good from the exterior too, but today is just not the day to prove it to you.

I have a couple of new rugs.  One of the problems I didn’t fully anticipate with our house design is the poor acoustics.  The void space over the living area allows an echo to bounce all over our open living space, not good for conversation once we have a few guests over.   I thought we needed some more soft furnishings to absorb some noise.  Enter rug addition number 1:

Sanna rug, Freedom.

Sanna rug, Freedom.

I didn’t want to spend too much on a rug for the dining room, it’ll probably only last a year or two under our dining table.  I picked a wool blend rug from Freedom, with enough colour in it so that I don’t cry the first time it cops a bowl of spaghetti bolognese.  The weave is thin enough to vacuum the crumbs easily and thick enough to absorb some noise.  I think it has helped and I must say it’s nice under my feet on cold mornings.

Rug addition number two is multi-purpose.

Armadillo and Co rug.

Armadillo and Co. hemp runner.

It is to catch any stray hot embers that fall out of the wood fire when we stoke it, to protect our timber floor.  I needed something that could disguise any soot marks and preferably something with some fire retardancy.  I hoped for wool but couldn’t find anything the right size.  This Armadillo and Co. runner is hemp.  When the fire is not going, the rug doubles as a door mat between our deck and the living room.

There has been a touch of landscaping progress.  I visited the Perth Garden Festival, where there were a couple of inspiring exhibits.  The good bits:

I came home with 21 kangaroo paws in tubes.  21 wheelbarrow loads of dirt and two weeks later the kangaroo paws are all planted and enjoying the rainy weather.kangaroo paws

The professional landscapers have completed their day of work for the month, so I’m guessing I won’t see them again now until June.

Most exciting is that I received a present that my husband gave me for a certain conspicuous birthday.  My big art.  It’s an indigenous dot painting by artist Margaret Lewis Napangardi.  I said “wow” the first time I saw this painting in Japingka Gallery‘s window.  Now it’s in our living room and I love it!

Mina Mina Jukurrpa

Mina Mina Jukurrpa, by Margaret Lewis Napangardi

Mina Mina at House By The Water.

Love it!


16 thoughts on “Weather testing the house.

  1. Thanks for the update. Pleased you survived the storm and great choice to have a floating jetty!
    Can you tell me the story behind the painting? Stars? Storm? It’s very intriguing. Xxx

    • We don’t get seriously cold weather here, but we’ve had the fire going about 4 times so far and we are yet to have “Winter”. We also have central heating which have never used so far and I hope we can keep it that way. The wood fire is a nice weekend evening activity.

  2. We moved in exactly a year ago Jo and had the same weather – the gutters hadn’t been installed properly so we had additional shower in our house, only it was in the kitchen! Like you say, it is good that you can check your place is weatherproof.
    The fireplace looks beautiful and I’m quite envious on a day like this.
    Love, love the painting!

  3. I love the painting even in its mini iPad form. I also love WEATHER especially from the comfort of a lovely waterproof home. Hope the cray pots survived. Who is on high tide watch tonight?

  4. trixee says:

    Wow, that painting certainly is an impressive statement piece in the room! Did you turn on the fire and take advantage of the weather? It looks like it would be nice and cosy. Oh, and the shutters look great too.

      • trixee says:

        Excellent! I could do with a fire about now. Last time it rained I complained to the council that our front yard got flooded from the road drain, so yesterday they (I assume) dropped off some sandbags on our verge. Luckily we didn’t need it today, they must have cleaned the drain out a bit. Candles are a good idea though, maybe I should do that.

  5. mariashumptydoo says:

    I thought that the wild weather was only a feature of the tropics. So glad that the ‘House by the Water’ withstood the fury.

    I like the shutters in the rooms; I like Amelie’s bedroom, the Monet…- by the way Amelie, wow! your room is so tidy: I am impressed. And..and… not the least I love the Aboriginal painting, so inspiring, great choice, guys! I look forward knowing the story behind.

    Finally, equally impressive to see you all three kids, playing chess together in the library.

  6. Harry Cockram says:

    Love the blog Jo, I have missed it and it is so nice to catch up on progress, will call around when I am home again.

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